
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mardi Gras Fun Preschool Style!

Since Mardi Gras is all about bright vivid colors, beads, masks and merry making, it sort of reminded me of preschool!  If you teach preschool, volunteer at a preschool, or have a child in preschool, consider one of these craft ideas to do with the kids!  Preschoolers are natural born party animals!

This sunshine craft idea is guaranteed to brighten your classroom and your mood.  It's a simple craft to prepare for and conduct with little hands and makes a fun take home project too!

Jelly Bean Count is perfect for the 3 & 4 year olds learning and practicing their numbers and counting.  Plus, they can gobble up the jelly beans when they are done and you've just saved yourself a snack attack.

I had never heard of "Fish in a Bowl" until reading this craft's instruction page.  It sounds like a little bit of work for the adult, but tons of fun for the kids.  Toddlers will love this one and hopefully you will get a giggle out of it too!

Enjoy! We love feedback and photos!

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